Natasha Jivani
Interim Executive Director, SJQCN
Taking the Lead on Policy and Advocacy
Part of achieving our goals requires going beyond our walls and working with others to advocate for conditions that will help ensure our success. Natasha Jivani, Director of Payment Innovation and Interim Executive Director for San Joaquin Quality Care Network (SJQCN), offers a perfect example of this work through her recent appointment to serve as a member of the National Association of Accountable Care Organizations (NAACOS) Policy Committee. NAACOS represents more than 12 million beneficiary lives through hundreds of organizations participating in population health-focused payment and delivery models in Medicare, Medicaid and commercial insurance.
Natasha will serve a two-year term on the Policy Committee, which is designed to help guide the NAACOS advocacy agenda to improve the long-term stability and success of the accountable care model. As a committee member, she will provide vital feedback to NAACOS staff on a variety of issues related to the accountable care model, including proposed regulations and legislation under consideration by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Congress, and participate in related advocacy activities.
Our enterprise is honored to have Natasha bring her perspective and represent us on this important committee.
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